Monday, June 27, 2011

Green Lantern

Comic book movies are tough to pull off correctly. Comic books are set in fantasy worlds where aliens save the planet and mutant animals biting someone is beneficial somehow. This is a hindrance because dark, realistic films are the rage right now which counters some of the preset universes of comics. This benefits movies like The Dark Knight but movies like Green lantern are having trouble bridging the gap. GL did what FF4 did a few years ago. It seemed to miss the important parts of the characters and instead focused on their social quirks for too long. Sure we understand Hal Jordan a little better with his father's untimely death. We understand his fear when he locks up in mid air but how did he become one of the best pilots in the world with that phobia? He didn't understand overcoming his fear yet.  This isn't a guy who is down and out or lost within himself. He is a ridiculously good looking world class pilot who hooks up with beautiful women all the hoo. Yea your father died when you were young in a plane crash but then you choose to fly planes!? A slight phobia at 50,000 foot free fall doesn't make him epic, it makes him human. And how did veteran GL's get RAPED by paralax 5 at a time but Ryan Reynold's was able to beat him solo after a couple of weeks with the ring. Does experience count for nothing? Abin Sur was the greatest GL who already defeated paralax but he got ambushed and died. So the other 3.5k GL suck at their job? They don't understand courage like this model-like human does? There is a line where Killawog says humans think they are the center of the universe... Seriously? The script justified him by us writing a movie that made a human the messiah to the GL core! They have an infinite amount of experience but Ryan Reynold says the oath and summons fighter jets so he is the savior of the universe!? He had the ring for like a week! It just didn't make sense even with my attempt to turn off this part of my brain. Plus before all this the best he could come up with was a lame race track to save the flailing helicopter! Like a week after this juvenile attempt at heroics, he saves the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!
The movie just felt cheesy without trying to be. It felt like FF4, the Hulk, and Spiderman 3. It didn't succeed where other movies have.
 Superman becomes the last of his species (almost) when his world was destroyed and feels the weight of his new world on his shoulders, Batman pretty much becomes insane with his parents death, Spiderman is a scrawny 15 year old hated by the very people he protects. These are qualities of a hero. Sacrifice with a sense of detachment. GL has these qualities too but the movie didn't focus on that. They focused on Ryan Reynold's abs and his ability to be funny. Why not show him younger learning how to fly and overcome his father's shadow? How about showing him trying other professions before he is sucked into the world of flight? I don't really care if it isn't 100% accurate to the comics. I just want a comic book movie 100% accurate to the character. X-men first class wasn't exactly like the comic book story lines but the characters were and that's what made it fantastic. These directors and writers have 50+ years of character development to work with but for whatever reason (studio execs, producers, appealing to the masses etc) they focus on flash instead of substance. And the sad thing with the flashy pew pew, it wasn't even good. Even when Transformers isn't great with some stuff, the CGI pew pew is awesome and I feel entertained. I really wanted this one to be good. I don't know much about GL and I know he has more heart than the movie gave him.

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